Friday, 3 March 2017

WiFi Router vs WiFi Range Extender vs WiFi System

WiFi Access is one thing that people can't live without. Traditionally you need something called WiFi Router through which you can access Internet.

WiFi Routers have a range of around 30 meters. In case you need to access beyond this range, you need something called WiFi Repeater / WiFi Range Extender. 

WiFi Repeaters have some limitations though.  Some of them are enumerated below.

  • WiFi Repeaters are not that easy to configure
  • Sometimes they create a new Network
  • There might be some compatibility issues between multiple vendors

WiFi Systems address the above limitations. They are easy to configure. There will be exactly one WiFi network with a typical WiFi System and there will be smooth roaming for clients between Routers.

People started moving towards WiFi Systems from traditional WiFi Routers / WiFi Repeaters and next few years belong to WiFi Systems.