Thursday, 2 February 2017

Data Usage History with BANA

Reaching FUP limit is a nightmare :). But you can plan and use your bandwidth effectively if you know the  amount of data  that you (and other devices in your Network) consume every day / week / month.  Using BANA's UI you can know how much data is consumed everyday / week / month. You also can know which device eats up  data. 

Copying a screenshot of the data usage. 

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Connected Clients and their Bandwidth on BANA Router

Using BANA's Android app, you can see the list of Connected Clients in your Network. You can see the list from anywhere. Say if you are in office and want to see who all are connected to your home Network...

Copying a screenshot below

Port Scanning with BANA

Open Ports   make the clients  (Laptop, Mobile etc) devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. It would be good to know the opened ports and take appropriate action like killing an application or removing an app etc. 

BANA helps you to find the open ports on your Laptops, Tablets and Mobile Phones using an easy to use interface. Copying the screenshot below. . There are a maximum of 65536 ports that a system can have. You can choose the number of ports to scan using BANA's UI.